
Straightening Your Teeth With Braces in the New Year Can Boost Your Quality of Life

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With a new year upon us, it is always a good time to make some changes in our lives that make us mindful of our health as well as our oral health. After all, your smile is one of the very first things people tend to notice about you, so having a nice smile is a great opportunity to make a good first impression. If you are self-conscious about flashing your pearly whites because they are crooked, this might be the perfect time to put straightening your smile on your list of New Year’s resolutions!

Orthodontic Options

Orthodontics not only improves your physical health but your mental health too. Gone are the days when there were limited options for teeth straightening. Today, you have discreet options, like ceramic, tooth-colored braces, clear braces, or even clear aligner therapy. These options effectively straighten your teeth for a more symmetrical look while correcting bite issues and even relieving the pain you feel when constantly grinding or clenching your teeth.

The Power of a Straight Smile

  • Increased self-esteem. When your teeth are straight, you don’t have to hide your smile or dodge cameras (and today’s social media often makes photo sharing easier than ever). Feeling at ease about smiling will give you the confidence you want, whether it’s requesting that long-desired promotion or impressing your new date, your smile can light the way to a more confident connection. An aligned smile has the power to change your outlook on life when you feel good about your teeth.
  • Better oral health. Poorly aligned teeth or bite issues like malocclusions can also make eating and speaking harder. Crooked teeth can often create pain in your jaw or TMJs and ultimately create poor oral hygiene if you can’t easily clean all tooth surfaces. Crowded teeth can leave you vulnerable to cavities, accumulated dental plaque, advanced gum disease (periodontal disease) and even tooth loss. Wearing braces can turn all that around!
  • Better overall health. Did you know that periodontal disease raises your risk of illnesses like heart disease and diabetes? If you have jaw problems, you might experience chronic headaches, earaches, and even stomach pains, all of which can be linked to dental conditions. Correcting your smile with braces can give you a healthier mouth that boosts your general health as well.
  • Change facial features. If you have a severe bite issue like an overbite or underbite, the way the jaw sits can also adversely affect your facial symmetry. As braces align your jaws, your facial features will line up properly. If you have had a protruding or receding chin throughout your life, wearing braces can finally fix that by aligning your facial profile.

If you have a list of resolutions you would like to implement this year for a better, healthier you, don’t forget to include your oral health. Good oral health supports your overall health and boosts your mental health. Your new self-confidence can impact you both subtly and dramatically.

Complimentary Consultation

As you commit to making 2023 one of your best years yet, take the time to feel excited about this year’s resolutions. Remember that your oral health is a powerful part of your quality of life. Protecting your teeth will allow you to keep your natural teeth for a very long time.

If you want to make brushing and flossing your teeth easier, braces can help you achieve that goal for a lifetime of healthier smiles. It is never too late to implement positive changes in your life. Our orthodontic team welcomes you to reach out and schedule your complimentary consultation. Your smile will thank you!